Acrylic on canvas 31x63 in
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We live immersed in bonds. Almost everything generates bonds: people with their actions or simply their presence or absence, feelings, thoughts, material things... Some bonds attract us, we seek and crave them, others frighten us, they are disturbing and we try to avoid them, to escape them, but we do not always succeed. Consciously or unconsciously, bonds are binding. We live a variety of bonds simultaneously, and these groups bind together. There are tangible, "colorful" bonds, others cannot be seen, but while they are out of sight they are not at all evanescent, not to mention the impossible bonds that nevertheless exist, and how we feel them.
<Photo Eva Volpato>
⇆Geometric and other visions: criticism and reflections⇆
The painting is a good rapresentation of complexity of the relationships and interactions, as well as, the chaining of the figures depicting the essence of the word 'bond'.. But, a question for the author that could be answered or induce further thinking: is the choice of precise geometric figures purely aesthetic or could it signify the presence of a higher level, of repetitive rules or even a superior entity that sets a limit to the randomness of relationships? →Marco "LordSly"←
The idea behind these shapes, beyond their aesthetic nature, was to represent the “square” nature of human beings. The “elongated” rectangle aims to symbolize human existence stretching, mostly horizontally, as time passes, while “verticality”, a symbol of spiritual and inner growth, is reserved for a small number of individuals compared to the multitude. The pronounced edges express the characteristic angles that accompany us throughout life. The figure itself also symbolizes a “closed circuit”, we ourselves who, ultimately, statistically follow the same dynamics and behaviors. The linkages aim to represent relationships that are random up to a certain point and, conversely, “tie” almost inevitably to other relationships, leaving little space for free will. The idea of a higher entity is fascinating; I had not considered it, even though the painting carries a message of predetermination, in the sense that the colors of the figures are a symbolic representation of different personalities and characters that inevitably predetermine behaviors and connections...