Rolling deeply

Acrylic on canvas 39 3/8 x 39 3/8 in


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Abstract geometric artwork painting Mcilix


The painting was inspired by the book 'Into Dep', for which it became the cover illustration.

The book narrates, in the words of the author: “...just over two years of my life, as a depressed person. From August 2017, the date of my first admission to the psychiatric unit of the hospital..., to October 2019, when I regain consciousness in the same hospital, after having attempted suicide for the second time. In between, the hell I and my family went through. The hell of depression. Into Dep is the point of view of those who, usually, do not express it, it is the testimony of those who, usually, do not survive."

After reading the book, my goal was to be able to portray the psychic and physical torment that depression brought to the author's life, as well as the terrible spiral into which he had fallen and from which it is very difficult to escape.


<Photo Eva Volpato>
