[Antitesi (di vita) ipotetica non verificabile]
Mixed technique on masonite 25x25 in
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The artwork is a representation of life through a geometric spiral, from the mystery of ‘before’ to the mystery of ‘after’. The empty centre of the spiral symbolises nothingness before conception, then black and white, everything and nothing, the antipodes, the idea taking shape and preceding the three fundamental colours to represent the completed birth of life. The spiral thus develops with different lengths and colours, like the various stages of a person's life. Gradually, it reaches the external side, where the last small section has no colour... when life comes to end... but the tape continues first on the edge and then on the back (covered by the frame) to represent the hope that everything does not end with the sight of that last colourless segment... If you look closely, you will notice that there is also a second uncoloured spiral, mirroring the main one, representing the continuous doubt about how we could have lived our lives differently. This second spiral reflects the idea that different choices would have led to a life with more vivid and bright colours. However, this ‘hypothetical’ other life remains an illusion that can never be verified. The title of the work reflects these considerations.
[Acrylic, paper tape, glue on masonite]
<Photo Eva Volpato>
Premio Mestre di Pittura 2024 - Finalists exibition and catalogue selection